

DSC_0084Raju K. Mathew had spent many hours visiting HIV/AIDS care facilities. In these places he saw the hopelessness and despair in the lives of HIV/AIDS victims and their families. The impact of the epidemic on children was especially heart rending. Visits to a HIV/AIDS care facility in the locality helped him to experience and understand the situation better.

The condition of patients and his vision for those affected was shared with other like-minded people. After much prayer, consultation and study, seven made the decision to form ACCEPT - AIDS Counselling, Care, Education, and Prevention Training Society. The aim of Accept is to alleviate the suffering - physical, psychological and spiritual - of those affected directly or indirectly, regardless of economic status or regional/religious affiliation, to rehabilitate them and to integrate them back to society. The efforts are all built upon the foundation of Christian love and compassion.

ACCEPT seeks to be a door of opportunity for patients. They need a door that does not shut on their face. They need people who will care for them till their death or till their families learn to accept and look after them. ACCEPT would be that door which opens for them.

Our Milestones

1999: Society registered and work started from Raju Mathew’s home as office

2002: Care Home Opened

2005: Children Home Started

2005: TB Ward Opened

2010: Building for Children Home expanded

2014: Separate home for girl children

2014: Care beyond HIV to elderly care home

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